在 Excel 中按照Excel 数据链接所述提供数据后,您可以使用 UpdateChart
和 PresentationFromTemplate
通过 UpdateChart
,您可以对特定图表的数据表和您的数据进行交换。通过 PresentationFromTemplate
,您可以根据 PowerPoint 模板,使用数据创建新的演示文稿(将 think-cell 图表链接到 Excel 中的数据范围)。
这两个函数的接口都已集成到 Office Automation 模型中,因此可以通过能对 Office 编程的任何语言(例如 Visual Basic for Applications 或 C#)进行访问。
think-cell 的入口点是 think-cell 加载项对象。可以通过 Application.COMAddIns
集合对其进行访问。调用 think-cell 始终采用后期绑定。如需说明,请参阅 Microsoft 的知识库:
因此,think-cell 加载项对象的类型只是 Object
Dim tcaddin As Object Set tcaddin = Application.COMAddIns("thinkcell.addin").Object
25.1 UpdateChart
25.1.1 签名
tcaddin.UpdateChart( _ pres As PowerPoint.Presentation, _ strName As String, _ rgData As Excel.Range, _ bTransposed As Boolean _ )
25.1.2 描述
从 Excel 调用此函数,此函数将使用 rgData
中包含的数字更新 pres
中的图表 strName
。范围 rgData
必须符合 从 Excel 创建图表 中所述的布局。
请注意,演示文稿对象 pres
图表名称 strName
的匹配不区分大小写。先前必须已经按照自动化简介中所述在 PowerPoint 中使用 UpdateChart 名称属性控件分配该名称。图表名称在 pres
若已将图表链接到 Excel 数据范围,则调用此函数时,链接将中断。此后,不会将图表链接到任何 Excel 范围。
25.1.3 示例
若要使用此示例,请在 Excel 的 Visual Basic for Applications 窗口中,依次前往工具和引用,然后添加 Microsoft PowerPoint 对象库。
' When Option Explicit appears in a file, you must ' explicitly declare all variables using the Dim ' or ReDim statements. If you attempt to use an ' undeclared variable name, an error occurs at ' compile time. ' Use Option Explicit to avoid incorrectly typing ' the name of an existing variable or to avoid ' confusion in code where the scope of the ' variable is not clear. If you do not use the ' Option Explicit statement, all undeclared ' variables are of Object type. ' http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/ ' library/y9341s4f%28v=vs.80%29.aspx Option Explicit Sub UpdateChart_Sample() ' Get the range containing the new data Dim rng As Excel.Range Set rng = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A1:D5") ' Get the think-cell add-in object Dim tcaddin As Object Set tcaddin = Application.COMAddIns("thinkcell.addin").Object ' Get a PowerPoint instance. Hold on to this ' object as long as you want to access the ' generated presentations. There can only be a ' single PowerPoint instance. If there is no ' PowerPoint running, one will be started. ' Otherwise the existing one is used. Dim ppapp As Object Set ppapp = New PowerPoint.Application Dim pres As PowerPoint.Presentation ' PowerPoint window visible ' Set pres = ppapp.Presentations.Open( _ ' Filename:="c:\template.pptx", _ ' Untitled:=msoTrue) ' PowerPoint window invisible Set pres = ppapp.Presentations.Open( _ Filename:="c:\template.pptx", _ Untitled:=msoTrue, _ WithWindow:=msoFalse) ' The name "Chart1" must have been ' previously assigned to the chart using ' the control in the floating toolbar. ' The final argument indicates whether ' the data range is transposed or not. Call tcaddin.UpdateChart(pres, "Chart1", rng, False) ' Save the updated presentation pres.SaveAs ("c:\template_updated.pptx") pres.Close ppapp.Quit End Sub
下一个示例会显示如何通过 C# 使用 UpdateChart
using Excel = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel; using PowerPoint = Microsoft.Office.Interop.PowerPoint; using Office = Microsoft.Office.Core; // Open the Solution Explorer > right-click the project file > "Add Reference..." button and add he following references: // .NET tab > Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel // .NET tab > Microsoft.Office.Interop.PowerPoint // COM tab > Microsoft Office 14.0 Object Library namespace ConsoleApplication_UpdateChart { class Program { static void Main() { Excel.Application xlapp = new Excel.Application(); xlapp.Visible = true; Excel.Workbook workbook = xlapp.Workbooks.Add(1); Excel.Worksheet worksheet = (Excel.Worksheet)workbook.Sheets[1]; worksheet.Cells[3, 1] = "Series 1"; worksheet.Cells[3, 2] = 1; worksheet.Cells[3, 3] = 2; worksheet.Cells[3, 4] = 3; PowerPoint.Application ppapp = new PowerPoint.Application(); PowerPoint.Presentation presentation = ppapp.Presentations.Open("C://template.pptx", Office.MsoTriState.msoFalse, Office.MsoTriState.msoTrue); object[] aobjArg = new object[] { (object)presentation, "Chart1", worksheet.get_Range("A1", "D3"), false }; Office.COMAddIn comaddin = xlapp.COMAddIns.Item("thinkcell.addin"); object objAddIn = comaddin.Object; objAddIn.GetType().InvokeMember("UpdateChart", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, objAddIn, aobjArg); presentation.SaveAs("C://template_updated.pptx"); presentation.Close(); ppapp.Quit(); workbook.Close(false); xlapp.Quit(); } } }
25.2 PresentationFromTemplate
25.2.1 签名
tcaddin.PresentationFromTemplate( _ wb As Excel.Workbook, _ strTemplate As String, _ ppapp As PowerPoint.Application _ ) As PowerPoint.Presentation
25.2.2 描述
从 Excel 中调用此函数,此函数可将 wb
中的任何数据链接应用到文件名为 strTemplate
的模板。结果是,在 PowerPoint 实例 ppapp
可以是完整路径,也可以是相对路径(随后会将其作为相对于 Excel 工作簿文件 wb
将更新 strTemplate
中已链接到 Excel 工作簿 wb
中已链接到除 wb
外其他 Excel 工作簿的图表将保持不变,并且仍保持链接状态,因此可以将此函数的结果另存为新模板,然后使用下一个工作簿再次调用此函数,以便更新多个 Excel 工作簿中的链接。
若您希望使用 Excel 链接控制图表段的颜色,可以将配色方案设为在顶部使用 Excel 填充(请参阅配色方案)。同样,若要使用 Excel 链接控制数字格式,请将其设为使用 Excel 格式(请参阅数字格式)。请确保先设置 Excel 中各单元格的背景色和数字格式,然后再调用 PresentationFromTemplate
25.2.3 示例
若要使用此示例,请在 Excel 的 Visual Basic for Applications 窗口中,依次前往工具和引用,然后添加 Microsoft PowerPoint 对象库。
' When Option Explicit appears in a file, you must ' explicitly declare all variables using the Dim ' or ReDim statements. If you attempt to use an ' undeclared variable name, an error occurs at ' compile time. ' Use Option Explicit to avoid incorrectly typing ' the name of an existing variable or to avoid ' confusion in code where the scope of the ' variable is not clear. If you do not use the ' Option Explicit statement, all undeclared ' variables are of Object type. ' http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/ ' library/y9341s4f%28v=vs.80%29.aspx Option Explicit Sub PresentationFromTemplate_Sample() ' Get the range to modify. It is more efficient ' to do this once rather than within the loop. Dim rng As Excel.Range Set rng = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1").Cells(3, 2) ' Get the think-cell add-in object Dim tcaddin As Object Set tcaddin = Application.COMAddIns("thinkcell.addin").Object ' Get a PowerPoint instance. Hold on to this ' object as long as you want to access the ' generated presentations. There can only be a ' single PowerPoint instance. If there is no ' PowerPoint running, one will be started. ' Otherwise the existing one is used. Dim ppapp As Object Set ppapp = New PowerPoint.Application Dim i As Integer For i = 1 To 10 ' Modify the range value. ' Note: Avoid selecting the cell prior to ' changing it. It is very slow and has ' undesirable side-effects. ' BAD: ' rng.Select ' ActiveWindow.Selection.Value = 0 rng.Value = i ' Generate a new presentation based on the ' linked template. Dim pres As PowerPoint.Presentation Set pres = tcaddin.PresentationFromTemplate( _ Excel.ActiveWorkbook, "template.pptx", ppapp) ' If you want to modify the new presentation ' before saving it this is the place to do it. ' Save the new presentation pres.SaveAs "c:\output" & i & ".pptx" ' Explicitly close the presentation when we ' are done with it to free its memory. ' Letting the object go out of scope is not ' sufficient. pres.Close Next End Sub